The year is finally coming to an end. Christmas and New Year Eve are around the corner. But before all that celebration, one major step awaits us – the ever-glorious half-yearly examination. There is absolutely nothing to panic about. You still have enough time to catch up with your studies. To make the maximum of that time available, you have to study better and efficiently. We have listed below certain proven useful tips that will definitely aid your preparation for the exams. Check it out.

1. The 2-hour rule
Now, this is a rule you have to obey under every condition. Never ever study for more than 2 hours at a stretch. Your body and your brain need some rest when studying. Take breaks to never burn out.

2. Write and learn
When you write and learn, the chances of you forgetting are very less. Of course, this might take a bit of extra time, but it is totally worth it.

3. Don’t just read problems
When dealing with practical subjects, never try to read and understand the solution. Solve a problem every time and you will never stumble upon it in the future. This will also improve your speed in calculating.

4. Shift b/w subjects
There is every chance of you getting bored if you study the same subject for a long time even if you take sufficient breaks. The only way to tackle this boredom is to shift between subjects when learning.

5. Revise every morning
Every morning, right after you wake up, revise all the portions that you have studied the previous day. This routine will keep everything you have studied afresh in your mind.

6. Eat healthily
A healthy diet is always necessary. It is more even so during exam time. Only a healthy body will function efficiently. Moreover, nobody wants to fall ill during an exam time.

7. Sleep well
Everything from your memory to cognitive functions depends upon how well you sleep. Compromising your sleep is not all a good idea, especially when you are learning a lot.

Half-yearly exams are the best way to evaluate yourself. It is probably the first big test before the finals. Follow these tips during this exam period and see the magic for yourself when you get your results. Ace the exams to boost your confidence.

More than anything, celebrate the winter break with a peace of mind and start your new year with great news. Keep up the good work and stay motivated. All the best!